Once upon a time in a faraway land known as Agrabah there was a young boy name Aladdin. He was very poor and had to steal food to survive each day.

She didn' t wanted that, she needed freedom to choose her own destiny so she disguised herself and ran away from the palace. Unexpectedly she met with Aladdin in the market place.
Aladdin was very impressed by the mysterious young girl that appeared to know nothing of the world. And Jazmin also found the young boy very interesting, he was very different from all the people back at the palace. Even though he is very poor he is also very brave and kind.

It happened that an evil man wanted a certain magic lamp and that the only person that could retrieve it was Aladdin. So he had Aladdin arrested and thrown into jail, by then Aladdin also discovered that the lovely girl he liked was no other than princess Jazmin!

Aladdin was sent into a dangerous mission to retrieve the Lamp from a mysterious ancient cave

It happened that an evil man wanted a certain magic lamp and that the only person that could retrieve it was Aladdin. So he had Aladdin arrested and thrown into jail, by then Aladdin also discovered that the lovely girl he liked was no other than princess Jazmin!

Aladdin was sent into a dangerous mission to retrieve the Lamp from a mysterious ancient cave
he achieved this, but by some miscalculation he was locked inside the cave along with the lamp. At that point he was losing hope, but then he noticed there was some inscription in the lamp so he rubbed it to get it clean. Then a genie appeared and helped him to get out of the cave and took him to an oasis.

It was then that the genie told him that he would grant him three wishes. Aladdin thought about this, what wishes did he have, then he thought of lovely princess Jazmin, he was no prince and couldn't hope to marry her, but if he was a prince... So he made his wish to be a prince, and called himself Ali Abbawah.

He then went to the city in a great display of wealth, making everyone very impressed. Whe he arrived to the palace and intruced himself anew to the princess, he expected that she would like him since he was now a rich prince. However she told him that she was not an object to be bought and ignored him. This made him feel very upset.

That night Aladdin came to Jazmin's balcony, and apologized to her. Then he told invited her to a ride on his magic flying carpet.

Jazmin agreed to go with him. And he took her to view the world's wonders, in a magic carpet ride.

Their happiness wouldn't last long however since evil jafar took hold of the magic lamp and used its powers to become a poweful sorcerer, he exposed Aladdin's true identity and forced Jazmin to become his servant.

Meanwhile Aladdin had been sent by Jafar's magic to a very cold and far away place, however thanks to the magic carpet he promptly left that place and headed back to the city to confront Jafar.

Aladdin arrived to where Jafar was and confronted the evil man. Jafar used the powers that he obtained via the magic lamp to transform himself into a giant snake.

Aladdin then deceived the evil man and thus caused him to become a genie trapped in a lamp of his own. And so he was defeated by Aladdin's wit.

And then Aladdin and Jazmin got married and lived happily ever after. :)